Pilates Fusion
Wednesdays 6–7 PM
Cloud, Prinsengracht 276
Pilates Fusion is a blend of Pilates and physiotherapy-inspired exercises led by Antonia Gohlke. We take the Pilates principles—centering, breath, concentration, control, precision, and flow—and combine them with movements designed to support mobility and strength.
The primary focus is on the core and the deeper postural muscles that help us move effortlessly and efficiently through life, prevent injuries, and counteract our modern movement habits, like sitting and bending over our phones. This class is particularly beneficial after a long day of work, offering a way to release tension and move those neglected muscles.
In addition to strengthening and mobilizing the body, the exercises help develop the brain-muscle connection, improving coordination and enabling these muscles to activate during everyday activities and other sports.
Come join the “pain party” every Wednesday evening at Cloud! Sign up here and click the link to the WhatsApp group to become part of the community.